5 Things I Would Tell My Younger Self

Another great list from Moments That Define Life’s {Listable Life}

5 Things I would Tell My Younger Self

  1. Learn German – One day you’re going to meet and marry a super hot guy who speaks a funny language, similar to German, and it would really give your future self an advantage while learning said funny language.
  2. Stay in school, as long as you possibly can – Enough said.
  3. Make exercise part of your daily routine – One day you’ll get old and/or fall pregnant and then it’s much harder to start.
  4. Learn how to dance – Cheerleading will only make your moves stiffer.
  5. Hide your diary better – Enough said.
  that’s me on the right. My oldest sister on the left.  – Camp Glisson                                       

Next time I visit the states I am packing up all my old photos and shipping them home. I don’t care what it costs. Had to steal this bad boy from my sister’s Facebook.

See last week’s 10 Songs That Remind Me of My Youth, here.



7 thoughts on “5 Things I Would Tell My Younger Self

  1. My list is pretty ridiculous.I like yours. Ditto on the foreign language. I dated several fellows from other countries before I met my husband (what can I say, my university was really good at importing hot, young studs from across the ocean, so my roommate and I scoped out the international program office early on each semester).

  2. I wish I would have done all of theses things! There’s a story behind that diary mention….I can feel it. 🙂 And, I’m such a nerd, I really miss school! I was a terrible high school student, it wasn’t until college when I realized I really enjoy it. Now, I’m intimidated by the GRE – so I haven’t gone back for my Masters yet. Soon….

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